Feminist Brunch to Commemorate Roe v. Wade

To commemorate the 40th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade, The Gainesville Chapter of National Women's Liberation is hosting a feminist brunch. The brunch will feature a presentation on NWL's campaign for unrestricted, over-the-counter access to the Morning-After Pill (MAP), followed by a discussion about our experiences using MAP. Because every woman and girl should be able…

Celebrate International Women’s Day with the Federation of Cuban Women and NYWL

On Tuesday, March 5, 2013, come celebrate International Women's Day with the Federation of Cuban Women.  In the U.S. we are still fighting for National Healthcare, Paid Family Leave and Universal Childcare; take this rare opportunity to hear from Cuban women what they have won through revolution and feminist struggle! Tuesday, March 5, 2013 7:00- 9:00pm…

Join Us For a Meeting in NYC to Analyze Feminist Victory and Plan for More

From the morning-after pill victory to beating back the anti-abortion bill in Texas, we've seen the power of grassroots organizing. Speakouts, sit-ins, flashmobs, petitions, and in-court advocacy led to a court order that the morning after pill be sold on the shelf with no age restrictions. The order is a huge victory for women, but…

NWL Fall Tabling Events in Gainesville, FL

The Gainesville Chapter of National Women's Liberation will be tabling at the fall events listed below: Women's Welcome Assembly, August 28, 2013, 7-9pm, Reitz Grand Ballroom, UF 6:15pm-9:00pm Labor Daze September 1, 2013, 5-10pm, Bo Diddley Plaza, downtown Gainesville 3pm-5:30pm 5:30pm-7:30pm 7:30pm-10:00pm Radical Rush at UF September 18-19, 11-2pm, Plaza of the Americas, UF 10:30am-12:30pm 12:30-2:00pm…

Join Us in NYC To Prepare for the October Action and Firestone Conference

Thursday, Sept 12, 2013, from 6:30pm to 8:15pm 220 Fifth Avenue (at 26th Street), 5th floor, New York, NY (map) In preparation for Redstockings' upcoming "Shulamith Firestone Women's Liberation Memorial Conference on What is To Be Done" on October 5, 2013, we will be reading Shulamith Firestone's article "The Women's Rights Movement in the U.S.:…

Women of Color Caucus Meeting

Join us for a Consciousness-Raising meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 9 at 7:00pm to compare and analyze our experiences. We will be answering the following questions: 1. What do you want from men that you’re not getting? Why do you want it? Have you tried to get it? What happened? 2. What do you want men to stop…

Roe v. Wade Anniversary Show: A Benefit for National Women’s Liberation

The Gainesville Chapter of National Women's Liberation (NWL) invites you to join us for a Roe v. Wade anniversary & NWL benefit show.  Join us to celebrate the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in 1973. When: Saturday, January 18, 2014 at 9:00 p.m. Where: The Backyard at Boca Fiesta & Palomino (232 SE 1st St.) The…

NWL’s Annie Tummino To Speak At Event Commemorating Roe v. Wade

Annie Tummino, NWL organizer and lead plaintiff in the lawsuit that won over-the-counter morning-after pill access in the U.S., is speaking at the following event organized by Brooklyn-Queens Chapter of NOW. Please email us if you can attend at nwl@womensliberation.org. Roe v. Wade: Overcoming the Challenges WHERE: Brooklyn College-Women's Center 227 New Ingersoll Hall Map WHEN: January…

Women of Color Caucus Consciousness-Raising Meeting

Join the Women of Color Caucus for a Consciousness-Raising meeting on Sunday, Feb. 9 at 3:00 pm to compare and analyze our experiences with beauty standards. We will be meeting in Dauer 215 on University of Florida's campus. (If you are outside of Gainesville, you can participate by conference call.) We will be answering the following questions: When have…

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