NYC Health Care Consciousness-Raising Meetings

The Abortion and Birth Control Committee is doing a series of Neighborhood Consciousness Raisings. Women will be gathering to answer questions from our personal experience, and then as a group we will compare the similarities and differences in the testimony in order to study our oppression. Movements have been using consciousness-raising as a tool for…

Families Belong Together

We are only as strong as our collective communities. Join us this Saturday to protest family separation and detention at our southern border, the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold Trump’s white supremacist Muslim Ban, the erosion of decades of law that established domestic violence as a reason for women to seek asylum, and ICE’s unrelenting…

Speakout: We demand a MAP vending machine at UF!

Thursday, July 19, 11:15am-12:30pm Reitz Union North Lawn on UF's campus "What was your experience when you needed the morning after pill?" We demand that MAP be available in a vending machine on UF's campus. Come to our speakout on campus and speak your truth! Your testimony will play a vital role in achieving our…

Join NWL-NYC for a Fundraiser and Feminist Get-together

Pine Box Rock Shop 12 Grattan St, Brooklyn, NY

Join National Women's Liberation NYC for an evening of live music, activist tabling, feminist swag, tarot card readings, and more! Now's the time to build a strong women's liberation movement. To be successful, we need every day women—not corporations and their foundations—to fund it. As Redstockings wrote in 2000, "This means an independent financial base,…

Medicare’s Birthday

The Alachua County Labor Coalition, and co-sponsors including National Women's Liberation, celebrate one of the greatest public health triumphs of the 20th century with a Medicare Birthday Party. Please join us on Saturday, July 28th, for cake and shared testimony about improving and expanding Medicare to all residents. This year’s celebration will be at Working…

Campus Committee Meeting: Next Steps to Get a MAP Vending Machine

When: Thursday, August 30th, 7:00pm - 8:30pm Where: Little Hall 119 (plenty of free parking behind Tigert Hall) We are building momentum on getting the Morning After Pill (MAP) into a vending machine on the University of Florida campus. This win would mean that all students could access this birth control at ANY TIME- even when…

September Campaign Planning Meeting

Join us Wednesday, September 12th, 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. "Dr. Fuchs, why do you oppose a Morning After Pill vending machine on campus?" Last week, our campus committee confronted UF administration about its refusal to provide 24-hour access to  the Morning After Pill (MAP) on campus. We need to keep the pressure on! September…

NWL-NYC September General Meeting: People Power!

Brooklyn Commons 388 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn, NY

Members of the Mountain States Women's Abortion Coalition form a picket line in front of the State Capitol in January of 1972 (David Cupp, Post Archive/Getty Images). Many people are moving to fight the appointment of Trump's US Supreme Court Justice nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, under the belief that nine justices gave us the Roe v.…

6th Annual Roe v. Wade Anniversary Show and NWL Benefit

Join National Women's Liberation in an epic celebration of the power of organizing by celebrating the 46th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision with bands, DJs, local community groups, guerilla theatre and a silent auction! Proceeds will benefit the organizing work of National Women’s Liberation. DJs: Kelly Kochis & Mike Goston Bands: Routines &…

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