Campus Committee Meeting: Get Involved in Feminism

Wed, February 26th, 7 – 8:30 pm 200 NE 1st St, Suite 201 (enter through back garage) Join us to organize direct action and demand action from UF. We will be working on the following priorities: Tell UF: Demand that Men Don’t Rape We are fed up with UF’s half-hearted sexual assault prevention programs that place…

Get Out The Vote Register Voters From Home

National Women's Liberation partner and ally, the Florida Immigrant Coalition (FLIC) is hosting a Phonebank Frenzy next week from April 13 to April 17, to register as many voters in Florida as possible. Sign up here! FLIC will provide a brief training (you can sign up for the training online), and then you'll be eligible to sign up to make phone…

Abortion Struggle Update on Jacobin’s Stay at Home Series with Jenny Brown

National Women’s Liberation organizer Jenny Brown will be interviewed on Jacobin Magazine’s YouTube series “Stay at Home” on Wednesday, April 15 at 6pm Eastern Time. Audience members can ask questions via the comments. Jenny will talk about why the establishment is cracking down on abortion and birth control now, and how successful movements have fought back.…

another event

venue name address address address, gainesville, FL

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NWL Study Group: Universal Programs in the U.S.: What’s the Obstacle?

Tuesday May 5, 7:30 - 9:30PM EST (& each Tuesday until May 26) via Zoom (RSVP here) Health care systems that cover everyone have better health outcomes and cost less. They also give women more independence from men. So why can’t we win one in the U.S.? The point of this study group is to look at the…

NWL Women of Color Caucus Consciousness Raising

For Self-Identified Women of Color Only Sunday, May 17, 3:00 - 5:00PM EST via Zoom (RSVP here) Join our Consciousness-Raising meetings (CR) where women answer questions using examples from their personal lives, then the group uses these personal testimonies to draw conclusions about the political root of women’s so-called “personal” problems. We'll be answering the following…

Virtual Consciousness-Raising on COVID-19

Sunday, May 24, 3:00 PM ET (2:00 PM CT; 12:00 PM PT) via Zoom (RSVP here) Join our Consciousness-Raising meetings (CR) where women answer questions using examples from their personal lives, then the group uses these personal testimonies to draw conclusions about the political root of women’s so-called “personal” problems. We'll be answering the following questions: How…

Virtual Meeting on Criticism and Self-Criticism

Please join us for a virtual Consciousness Raising on on Criticism and Self-Criticism, Wednesday, May 27 at 6:30 p.m. Self-criticism is essential to engaging in effective anti-racist work. This meeting builds on the organizing theories we presented at the December 14, 2019 Gainesville Rooted in Love Workshop.  To prepare for the meeting, read Follow Like a Leader and begin to…

NWL Police Interaction and Law Enforcement Consciousness Raising

Tuesday, August 4, 7:30 to 9:30 PM EDT via Zoom (RSVP here) Join NWL for our upcoming virtual Consciousness-Raising (CR) on policing. We will discuss our experiences with police to better understand feminists mutual stake in fighting oppression from law enforcement. In CR women answer questions from their own experience, and then the group uses…

MAMA’s Club present Dr. Simmons

Rooted in Love Speaker Series Saturday, Sept 5th, 4:00 to 6:00pm RSVP requested (meeting over Zoom) M.A.M.A.'s Club in Gainesville, FL is hosting presentations by Dr. Zoharah Simmons and Professor Loretta Ross and Chanae Jackson on "Resist White Supremacy: Thoughts and Actions". NWL is happy to provide technical support for the event. The speakers will be…

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