Press Release for Picket of Senator Clinton for National Health Care


On Wednesday, June 7, 2006
Picket Senator Clinton for National Health Care

A National Day of Action for universal health insurance has been called for June 7. Healthcare NOW has mobilized a great coalition of feminists, unions, grass roots groups- from NOW to the Steelworkers to the Methodists and more– to campaign for the Conyers bill: HR 676, the National Health Insurance Act, aka Medicare for All. It's single payer, everyone in-no one out, and no health insurance companies. Believe it or not, it's picking up support in the House.

Yet not a single senator has been brave enough to stand up against the insurance industry that puts profits over people. We are taking action by asking Senator Clinton to introduce a companion bill to the Conyers bill in the Senate. Clinton is a leading contender for the 2008 presidential nomination- lets show her it's time Democrats stand with people, not corporations!

Who:   Women's Liberation Social Wage Committee

What:  Picket for national health insurance at Senator Clinton's office

When:  Wednesday, June 7, 2006 at 12 noon

Where:  780 3rd Ave. (corner 49th St. & 3rd Ave.)

Why:  Health care for people not for profit

For some time now, we've been holding consciousness-raising study groups, panels, running signature ads, and speaking out on the feminist angle for national health insurance. In addition to better health, national health insurance brings women in many other nations more economic freedom from men and employers.

Now we're moving into campaign mode. So for our part in the National Day of Action join us at Senator Clinton's office with your picket sign to see what action she's going to take on our request.

Let's show that we here in the U.S . are no longer willing to be second-class citizens of the world when it comes to our health. Join us in seeking her support and winning more time and freedom for women NOW!

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