Help send NWL organizers to the NOW Conference in Chicago

National Women's Liberation (NWL) is excited to announce “Speakouts, Sit-Ins, and Flashmobs: Feminist Movement Wins Morning-After Pill Over-the-Counter,” a workshop at the 2013 National NOW Conference July 5th – 7th in Chicago. With your contributions, NWL will be sending Alex Leader, Kendra Vincent and Dior Vargas, three leaders in our campaign for unrestricted access to the morning-after pill, to present this workshop.

We will share lessons from the morning-after pill campaign and strategize about building a feminist movement to fight back against male supremacy and win more freedom for women. The NOW conference is an opportunity to learn, debate and strategize with women from across the U.S. who want to fight.

Airfare and accomodations for three organizers adds up. Please consider strengthening the movement by becoming an NWL dues-paying member at $10-$20 a month or make a contribution to help send us to Chicago.

In a recent interview on WBAI radio in NYC, NWL's Allison Guttu powerfully explained women's stake in this fight:

“When we don't have the ability to determine the course of our lives we have less power in relationships, in the workplace, in our families, in public. The morning-after pill doesn't give us liberation, but it puts us on more equal footing with men.”

We women want a lot more. Universal free quality child care… respect based on our true selves, not how we look… free abortion and contraceptives… paid family leave, at least a year for both parents… Men wearing condoms and taking responsibility for birth control. As Kathie Sarachild of Redstockings puts it, “let's go for what we really want!”

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