Virtual Consciousness-Raising on COVID-19
Sunday, May 24, 3:00 PM ET (2:00 PM CT; 12:00 PM PT) via Zoom (RSVP here) Join our Consciousness-Raising meetings (CR) where women answer questions using examples from their personal lives, then the group uses these personal testimonies to draw conclusions about the political root of women’s so-called “personal” problems. We'll be answering the following questions: How…
NWL Police Interaction and Law Enforcement Consciousness Raising
Tuesday, August 4, 7:30 to 9:30 PM EDT via Zoom (RSVP here) Join NWL for our upcoming virtual Consciousness-Raising (CR) on policing. We will discuss our experiences with police to better understand feminists mutual stake in fighting oppression from law enforcement. In CR women answer questions from their own experience, and then the group uses…
Virtual Consciousness-Raising on Opposing Racism
Tuesday, Sept 29th, 7:30-9:30pm RSVP required (meeting over Zoom) Join National Women’s Liberation (NWL) for our upcoming virtual consciousness-raising (CR) on opposing racism. This CR is to draw political conclusions about how racism works and how to defeat it as a multiracial feminist fighting force. Please note, this is not an anti-racist training. It is not about…
Virutal Consciousness-Raising on the 2020 Election
Sundays, Oct 11th, 18th, 25th (times listed below) RSVP required Join National Women’s Liberation (NWL) for our upcoming virtual consciousness-raisings (CR) on the upcoming election. We invite all women to participate regardless of their voting status. In CR women answer questions from their own experience, and then the group uses these testimonies to find the…
Consciousness-Raising on the 2020 Election
Join National Women’s Liberation (NWL) for the last of our virtual consciousness-raisings (CR) on the upcoming election. We invite all women to participate regardless of their voting status. In CR women answer questions from their own experience, and then the group uses these testimonies to find the political roots of women's so-called "personal" problems. CR…
What’s Next for the Feminist Movement?
ZoomJoin National Women's Liberation 's New York City Chapter (NWL-NY) for our first general meeting of 2021. We'll discuss how to hold the incoming administration accountable and continue our fight for women's liberation and we'll hear presentations from our allied grass roots organizations: @DSA-NYC Tax the Rich Campaign, Campaign for New York Health, NYC for…
New NWL Activist Orientation
Save the date! New NWL Activist Orientation scheduled for Sunday, Feb 28th from 2:00 - 3:30pm. Readings and discussion questions will be posted soon.
Abortion Rights Now: Third General Meeting of 2021
Zoom*RSVP on Eventbrite* In light of the current court cases in Texas and Mississippi, NWL will be devoting this month's general meeting to a discussion of the current state of our fight for abortion rights. There will be brief presentations on the Texas case, the Mississippi case, the REMS restrictions on the abortion pill, and…
NWL Women of Color Caucus CR
ZoomRSVP here The NWL Women of Color Caucus (WOCC) is hosting a community Consciousness-Raising (CR) on Sunday, Nov. 14 from 3-5pm, which will be a follow up to the COVID CR series that NWL hosted last year. This meeting is for women* of color only. RSVP required The CR question we will be answering is: How…
Teach-in: The Threat of the Far Right & What You Can Do About It
ZoomEvent by North Central Florida Indivisible and National Women's Liberation-Gainesville Chapter Sessions: *Attacks on abortion: Emily C from NWL) *Far right rampage through education: Dr. Paul Ortiz, UF professor of History *Voter Suppression/home rule: Jyoti P from NCFLI Break *The Radicalization of the Republican Party (Alan G, GAFC & Jyoti P of NCFI) *Who's who of the Florida…