Quarterly Meeting for Women of Color
Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 8:00 p.m. (please note time change) This meeting is open to all women of color. RSVP to nwl@womensliberation.org for meeting location and information. Join us for a discussion…
Post-Election Meeting
What do the results mean for the feminist movement? How do we move forward to win lasting changes for women? Where: The Commons in Brooklyn, 388 Atlantic Avenue Details: The Commons in…
Post-Election Meeting for Women of Color
Wednesday, December 7, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. This meeting is open to all women of color. RSVP to nwl@womensliberation.org for meeting location and information. Join us for a Consciousness-Raising Meeting to discuss…
In 2017, Let’s Continue Building the Resistance
This election was a stunning reminder of how white supremacy and sexism run deep and threaten our basic democracy. That white working class people continue to identify with the capitalist…
Women Strike
STRIKE to protest Trump, Pence, and the Republican Congress' ANTI-WOMAN Agenda NO WORK, PAID OR UNPAID Sign the pledge and share it with your friends: womenstrike.org Why did National Women's…
NWL at Women’s March on Washington & Sister Actions
On January 21, 2017, NWL feminists will be proudly and loudly marching and protesting in D.C. at the Women's March on Washington! If you are not going to D.C., you…
Roe v. Wade Anniversary Show
When: Sat. January 28, 2017 Location: Wooly, 20 N Main St, Gainesville, FL 32601 Cost: $5-$20 sliding scale Doors open at 7:00pm RSVP for Roe v. Wade Anniversary Show
Tallahassee Monthly Meeting
The National Women's Liberation Tallahassee Organizing Committee is hosting its third monthly meeting in Tallahassee! At this meeting, we will be exploring our reactions to the current political climate and…
Gainesville Monthly Meeting
Civic Media Center 433 South Main St, Gainesville, FLTuesday, February 14, 2017 at 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Civic Media Center 433 S. Main St, Gainesville, Florida 32601 Join us for a report back on your involvement in the…
Join NWL & Strike on International Women’s Day
We went on strike for the Inauguration, and now we're doing it again in coordination with women in 30 countries for International Women's Day on Wednesday, March 8, 2017. National…