Join NWL at the Left Forum

“Grassroots feminist organizing pushes the courts, makes leap for reproductive rights: The Morning-After Pill Tummino Decision”

Panel featuring NWL Organizers Erin Mahoney, Allison Guttu and Dior Vargas; Moderated by Fran Luck of WBAI's Joy of Resistance Feminist Radio

New York City, Pace University, Room E328
Sunday June 9th from 12:00pm-2:00pm
More details on panel here; directions here.

We need your help gathering petition signatures and flyering at the Forum. Contact us to join up or for more information.

Women storm pharmacies all across the U.S.: Morning-after pill actions in NYC, Gainesville FL, LA, Sacramento, San Francisco, New Haven, Washington D.C., Chicago, Albuquerque, Syracuse, North Carolina and San Diego
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