Morning-After Pill Week of Action a Huge Success: Actions held from Coast to Coast

If the Obama Administration won’t put the Morning-After Pill on the shelf for everyone, women will!

From May 13th to 17th NWL, with the support of Women Organized to Resist and Defend ( WORD), held a week of action for women's self determination and ability to control our lives. Feminists in NYC, Gainesville FL, LA, Sacramento, San Francisco, New Haven, Washington D.C., Chicago, Albuquerque, Syracuse, North Carolina and San Diego dropped banners and held flashmobs in pharmacies, defying the Food and Drug Administration and putting the morning-after pill on the shelf for people of all ages.

For 10 years the Bush and Obama Administrations have held women's health hostage, going to absurd lengths to keep this safe form of birth control out of our hands. Most recently, on May 1st the Obama Administration announced it was appealing a federal judge's order to remove all age and point of sale restrictions on the morning-after pill.

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