National Women’s Liberation comes from a collaboration between organizers from Redstockings of the Women’s Liberation Movement (NY) and Gainesville (FL) Women’s Liberation starting in 1968. Redstockings is a radical feminist think tank and one of the original groups of the 1960s Women’s Liberation Movement in New York City. Gainesville Women’s Liberation is the first women’s liberation group in the South, founded in 1968. This collaboration continues today.
Visit the Redstockings website for more about History for Activist Use.
NWL-NYC: Birth Strike Teach in Thursday, Sept 29th 6:30pm EDT
September 26, 2022
Birth Strike Teach-In Thursday, September 29th, 6:30 to 8:00 PM EDT in Central Park near Columbus…
I Helped My Classmates Get Illegal Abortions Before Roe
May 21, 2022
Piper Winkler interviewed NWL organizer, Carol Giardina on her civil disobedience before Roe v Wade…
Abortion Is Won In The Streets
October 14, 2021
Join author Jenny Brown, Mexico-based abortion activist Lluvia “Rayito” del Rayo Rocha Perez, and NYC…
The fight for access to the morning-after pill (testimony from NWL’s 2021 Roe v. Wade Anniversary Fundraiser)
January 27, 2021
I have a long history with the morning after pill. In 1990, I was…
NWL Recommends: Readings on Anti-Racism
August 17, 2020
In lieu of a chapter meetings in August, NWL-NYC put together a reading anti-racism reading…
The Supreme Court Will Not Deliver Justice on Abortion Rights (Jacobin)
June 30, 2020
by Jenny Brown This article originally appeared in Jacobin. The Supreme Court’s abortion rights decision…