Women demand time for work, family, and ourselves. In order for women to move closer to the feminist dream of time for work, family, and community, the whole society — including employers and individual men — must help pay for and do the work of bringing up children. The generations coming up keep our society running. It is unjust for the labor of raising children to be borne by women alone. For women to move closer to liberation, we not only need individual men to pull their weight at home, we need the whole society to pull its weight. We want high-quality education from birth on, national health care, a shorter workweek, paid parental leave (for women and men) and vacation and sick time guaranteed by law for all
Who’s Afraid of the Lower Birth Rate? (from Organizing Upgrade)
by Jenny Brown For the first time since the dawn of the capitalist system,…
Video: Family, Reproductive Justice, and Socialism (in the Time of COVID)
Watch video of the panel here. The Democratic Socialists of America Fund, Dissent magazine,…
Teachers Union Lawsuit and Petition, Regional Statement on School Reopening
The dangerous unfunded mandate to reopen schools from the likes of President Trump, Betsy DeVos,…
Red May Discussion of Birth Strike
Katherine Armitage discussed Birth Strike: The Hidden Fight over Women’s Work with National Women's Liberation's Jenny Brown…
Alternative Radio: Birth Strike Talk by Jenny Brown
Women: Labor Pains In 2018, the birth rate in the United States reached its lowest…