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Celebrate Roe by Funding the Feminist Fight

“Even the most mundane, establishment-oriented law schools routinely teach that important legal cases lag far behind the social movements that create them…Supreme Court cases bob along behind social reality like little rowboats towed behind huge gun-ships. Thus, when we celebrate Roe V. Wade, we celebrate—not the legal opinion of 9 men in DC—but the thousands of women who forced a change so that what was once legal became legal.” –Judith Brown, founder, Gainesville Women’s Liberation.

“It was massive feminist mobilizations, fueled by women publicly discussing what was once secret and stigmatized, that won us the abortion rights we have. The movement brought hundreds of thousands of women in the streets, won abortion on demand in New York State, and in just four years forced a reluctant Supreme Court to legalize most abortions across the country. “ –Jenny Brown, Without Apology (2019)

Fund the feminist fight: charity.gofundme.com/nwl-fundraiser

Check back later today for the story of the 1969 feminist disruption of New York State’s hearing on abortion law reform!

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