We need you: Become a Dues Paying Member of National Women’s Liberation

NWL's work organizing, leading consciousness-raisings, fighting in the streets and pushing for a renewed militant women's liberation movement has resulted in two published books within the past year: Birth Strike; The Hidden Fight Over Women's Work (released March 1, 2019) and Without Apology; The Abortion Struggle Now (released Oct 1, 2019). This work builds from research and leadership by Redstockings of the Women's Liberation Movement1. The Movement and the books are a collective effort, the product of many feminist debates, meetings, protests, and our own errors and victories.
We are trying to hone our Movement's understanding of reproductive labor and women's power and oppression under capitalism in the United States. This is difficult work made possible solely by dues-paying feminism. NWL membership dues have supported our lead organizer, Jenny Brown, so that she could set aside time to write, research, and draw conclusions from our group's work and Brooke Eliazar-Macke as a part-time organizer.
Women's March, January 2017, New York City.  Photo: Pete Self
We want to spread these ideas around the country and light that feminist fire that's just waiting for fuel; please help sustain our work and become a dues-paying feminist. Dues are $120/yr or $10-20/mth and can be auto-deducted from your account.
Your membership ensures that our work will continue; work that will never be foundation funded or corporate sanctioned. If you can't become a member, please be involved however you can, and consider a one-time donation. If you're already a member, can you ask a friend to join too? Can you increase your dues?
  1. Redstockings of the Women's Liberation Movement first coined the idea of dues-paying feminism and introduced the importance of grassroots groups staying “independent from the influence and pressure of the money power.”
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