Image states Roe v Wade 2021 Anniversary Fundraiser. Two women are protesting below it. One says "We need more than Roe."

Please Send Us Your Testimony!

Roe v. Wade Anniversary & NWL Speak Out
Roe Was Just The Beginning

Jan 22, 2021 marks the 48th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision- and will kick off our 8 day fundraiser.  For 2021, we want to celebrate the wins of the radical feminist movement and show we need to continue the fight for full control over our reproductive lives. We need your testimonies. Our plan is to use social media to share people's testimonies to show the obstacles we still face to our reproductive freedom. As people view these stories, we will ask them to donate to our group through GoFundMe so that NWL can continue our movement work.

How You Can Help

Please write to us, send us a short video, or artwork with your experience on the following, as well as the obstacles you faced:

Abortion: Those abortions you wanted, those that were necessary, or those you were coerced into. Your experience with medical vs pill abortions. When you needed an abortion but couldn't get one. When you had a self-managed abortion.

Sterilization: When you've tried to be sterilized and succeeded, or when you were blocked. When you've been sterilized against your will.

Parenting testimony: Cost of childcare and other resources necessary to have kids. Trying to get men to step up as parents. Trying to handle paid work and parenting. Trying to handle not having paid work and parenting.

Birth Control: When you've tried to access it and been denied — or when you've been pushed to get onto birth control.

Crisis Pregnancy Center Testimony: When you've gone to a crisis pregnancy center, what kind of care and information did you receive?

Where to submit your story
Please send us your stories to by January 10, 2021 with the header: “NWL Speak Out”. Try to limit your written testimony to under 500 words and video testimony to 3 minutes. If you have a story, but have questions on your submission, feel free to reach out.

Please note- we may not be able to use all content submitted, or if that content is used, we may need to edit it. We will not share your contact information. If you wish to remain anonymous in your submission, please remove any identifying content and we will work with you on your submission to make sure your identity is kept safe.

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