NWL demands that women have full control over the decision to have children. We want free and full access to all forms of birth control, including contraception and abortion. We want to make these decisions without pressure to have children, to go on Depo-Provera, to take hormones, or to get sterilized. We want men to do their share of pregnancy prevention and disease prevention by wearing a condom without being asked, paying for birth control and/or getting a vasectomy. We want doctors to ask men, not just us, what they are using for birth control.


Since 2004, feminists in National Women’s Liberation, through the Morning-After Pill Conspiracy, have led a grassroots fight to make the Morning-After Pill (MAP, also known as “emergency contraception”) available to all women without restriction. While feminist pressure forced the Food and Drug Administration to finally put one brand of MAP over the counter without any restrictions in 2013, the generic versions must be labeled for sale to women 17 and up, therefore still requiring women to show ID to purchase the generic.  NWL continues the fight to make this important tool available at all women’s fingertips. For more information see mapconspiracy.org.

The SCOTUS decision is out- Roe Overturned. Pledge to #AidAndAbetAbortion

The final decision is out. SCOTUS has overturned Roe against the will of the people. This is…

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Breaking the Law to Win Abortion Rights

Looking for information and ideas on organizing in the wake of the Dobbs's decision and loss of…

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NWL Gainesville and NYC Chapters at “Bans Off Our Bodies” March and Rally

On Saturday, May 14, NWL's Gainesville chapter and New York City chapter each participated in…

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NWL Chapters at “Protect Roe” Rallies

On Tuesday, May 3, NWL chapters in New York City and Gainesville, Florida joined rallies…

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We pledge to aid and abet an abortion anywhere, anytime. Sue us, fine us, jail…

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NWL at Anti-Fascist Teach In

On Saturday, March 26, Gainesville NWL participated in an anti-fascist teach in organized by North…

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